Not The Weekly Donut
Lucky for us, we get to enjoy National Donut Day twice a year (on the first Friday in June and on November 5). Even luckier for you, you'll receive two emails from The Donut Queen this week. And even luckiest for the both of us, we get to eat FREE donuts today!
Here's where:
Stop in and get any donut for free- no purchase required. Anyone have a bunch of wigs we can borrow?? Asking for a friend.
That's Dunkin' DONUTS to you, sir! Buy a beverage and get a donut for free. Do munchkins in a plastic cup count as a drink??
We're serious. Walmart is giving away 1.2 million donuts tomorrow at their stores across the country. Head to the bakery section of your Walmart and get a free glazed donut. If you decide to get a donut at Walmart on National Donut Day... then more power to ya.
Diddly squat. They know you'll buy their donuts regardless. What a power move, eh?
Make sure to check your local donut shop's social media pages to see how they're celebrating National Donut Day!
Want more FREE donuts? Of course you do! Enter this epic donut give away.
You're welcome.
Stay tuned for this week's The Weekly Donut on Sunday 6/9. In the meantime, catch-up on last week's newsletter.