The Weekly Donut 7/15
Get ready to indulge in all things food news...
Doctors say dark chocolate is good for you
Chocolate sales have skyrocketed during quarantine and we aren't judging you for sitting in bed watching romcoms using chocolate bar wrappers as a blanket. But since some of us respect ourselves, dark chocolate sales have risen 13.6%. And we just want to call out Alicia Wallace at CNN for writing the article, Americans are buying more chocolate. That's bad for waistlines. Unlike some of you, we believe in scientists and doctors, especially when they say dark chocolate may reduce heart disease risk. Ugh we bet Alicia is one of those people who pay money for YouTube workouts during quarantine.
Tequila virus
Tito's Vodka announces that after months of giving away free hand sanitizer to front line workers, they will now be giving 44,000 bottles to Texas communities. And if Texas wasn't a petri-dish for coronavirus, you bet your ass I would be on a flight wearing an n95 mask to go get me some limited edition Tito's hand sanitizer to add to my eclectic hand sanitizer collection. The company does warn however
that it's for hands only and not to drink, because unfortunately 'vodka' is not listed on the ingredient label (sorry!). But according to Trump, we should deff take shots of this to rid our bodies of coronavirus. Drink up Republicans!
Veggie Tales
Broccoli is the most popular vegetable in the U.S. and no wonder the world is chaos! The only reason we can think of why broccoli would be number one is because who doesn't like to pretend they're a giant eating a tree?! See which veggie your state prefers here.
Pop(corn) Culture
Bittersweet and strange
After one season, ABC decides to cancel the tv show The Baker and the Beauty, and we just now realized it's not 'Beauty and The Baker' (hence our Beauty and The Beast reference in the title). The premise of the show involves a man working in his Cuban family's bakery and he meets a beautiful super star, but the romance meets comedy meets drama show ended up being one of ABC's lowest-rated series ever. But the show did showcase important cultural commentary and gave a platform for Latinxs. Now, the cast is fighting for a second season and you can help them by signing this petition.
National Barf Association
NBA teams are being confined to a 'bubble' where they all live, practice, and play games to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 in the league as they plan to move forward with a season at the end of the month. And for an athlete, that honestly sounds like a dream. But NBA players aren't happy with the bubble's condition, especially when it comes to the food. Players took to social media to display the lack of food and its unappetizingness. Check out the Fire Festival-esq food here that the NBA thought their players who get paid millions of dollars per year and normally have a private chef would enjoy. Honestly though, I'd eat it.
Also, Richaun Holmes of the Sacramento Kings is being forced to quarantine after leaving the bubble to grab his food delivery, but who can blame the guy?
Fast Food Frenzy
Thank you for bean safe
Starting today, customers will be required to wear a face mask when going into Starbucks and Karen is about to be pissed that a piece of cloth is keeping her away from getting her caramel frappuccino. NGL, we were ready to cancel Starbucks after they briefly decided to ban workers from wearing BLM apparel but we guess they're trying to make up for that by helping to save humanity through their enforcement of masks.
Becoming a vegan is a big missed steak
Impossible Foods announces its ambitious goal of eliminating meat by 2035 and hopes of transitioning everyone to a plant-based diet. We might even call this goal unrealistic considering we can't even get people to wear masks to protect one another from a deadly disease let alone make people stop eating meat to save an animal. But good on you for having goals, even if they're impossible.
Tomato pie, ants on a pretzel stick, and beef that farts less, OH MY!