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Cheat Day Newsletter 🥛

Get ready to indulge in all things food news...

Got Milk?

Anheuser-Busch and Molson Coors team up with startup Take Two Foods to come up with another dairy alternative, this time, made from barley. The companies are hoping to cash in on the $21.4 billion dollar industry by competing with oat milk. The fake milk will contain 5g of plant protein, 50% more calcium than regular milk, and 0.0% ABV. The Barley-Milk flavors will include Chocolate, Vanilla, Original, and Chef's Blend and we hope the Chef's Blend includes some beer.

Bye-Bye Eskimo Pie

Eskimo Pie, the deliciously derogatory ice cream bar, is officially changing its name to Edy's Pie. Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream, the owner of the dessert, wrote, "We are committed to being a part of the solution on racial equality, and recognize the term is inappropriate. This move is part of a larger review to ensure our company and brands reflect our people values." And we can't help but stan a company that acknowledges and actually changes a racially charged name. This is what we call progress, people!

Pop(corn) Culture

When you eat so many waffles that you need spanx

Kim Kardashian-West released a 'Waffle' collection for SKIMS shapewear. And no, she didn't wear syrup as a statement piece. The waffle fabric, made as bras and loungewear, is already sold out, but we're more interested in the insane dessert pastry chef Chris Ford sent her. Ford, known for his crazy chocolate work, sent Kim a stack of realistic-looking waffles made out of hard chocolate and a custom KKW hammer to crack open the chocolate waffles to get to even more candy! Unfortunately, Kim probably didn't eat any of it because she needs to watch her figure so she can fit into her XXS shapewear.

Eat, Drink, & Cranberry

Ocean Spray gifted this TikTok user a new truck loaded with jugs of cranberry juice after his video went viral. @420doggface280 took the internet by storm when he rode his longboard down the road, drinking Ocean Spray, while listening to Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams." The beverage company wanted to say thanks for the free publicity and in return, they've gained even more publicity by giving @420doggface280 the respect he deserves. Mick Fleetwood and Ocean Spray's CEO even recreated the iconic video.

Kraft Mac & Cheese is getting some backlash after they launched their #SendNoods campaign, encouraging customers to send noodles to their friends and family members. But after the moms named Karen finally figured out that this is a play on 'Send Nudes,' they forced Kraft to shut that shit down. Consumers accused Kraft of "grooming children into believing it's OK and even FUNNY to 'send noods.'" And you know what Karen?! Noodles in cheese ARE sexy so get over it!

Fast Food Frenzy

Break-Fast Food

Mark your calendars for October 28th, because McDonald's is adding new bakery items to McCafe for the first time in 8 years. The fast-food chain will be adding apple fritters, blueberry muffins, and cinnamon rolls to their lineup, which will be available all day every day, just like they say ice cream will be available 24/7... McDonald's is hoping this brings in more customers but they'll never be able to compete with donuts from Dunkin' (still salty they dropped 'Donuts' from their name).

Oreo, Oreo, wherefore art thou my Oreo?

Oreo releases cookies stuffed with rainbow filling in honor of LGBTQ+ History Month and we love a democratic cookie! But you can't find this rainbow in the store. In order to get a limited edition package, cookie consumers need to share a photo of what being an ally means to them on social media and tag @Oreo #ProudParents #Giveaway. And if this couldn't get any better, Oreo also released a heartwarming commercial honoring the LGBTQ+ community.

I donut know about this...

Dunkin' (still salty they dropped 'Donuts' from their name) releases a Spicy Ghost Pepper Donut and I've always said there's not a donut I wouldn't eat, but I might have to eat my words now. The Spicy Ghost Pepper Donut is a classic yeast donut ring, topped with a strawberry flavored icing that features a bold blend of cayenne and ghost pepper, and finished with red sanding sugar. It's only available until December, and who am I kidding? I'm definitely going to torture my tastebuds and give this a try. Good thing Dunkin' (still salty they dropped 'Donuts' from their name) sells milk. FYI, I will not be eating 12 of these like this guy...




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