The Weekly Donut ➡️ Cheat Day Newsletter
Get ready to indulge in all things food news...
If It's Goya, It Has To Be Bad
Goya Foods describes itself as "The premier source for authentic Latino cuisine," as they're the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the U.S. But after its CEO, Robert Unanue, praised Trump, Latinxs and others are boycotting the canned beans. But of course, white Trump supporters, who have never had Goya beans before because they're too 'spicy,' are starting to buy the products, especially after the Trump family's social media campaign. After praise from Unanue, Ivanka Trump posted a selfie with a can of Goya black beans on social media with her caption being the company's slogan in English and in Spanish. Then, Donald Trump posted a photo of himself sitting at the Resolute Desk with Goya products on display. I guess we just didn't know that the President could post a #ad #sponsored post while in office...?? #Goyaway
When you're constantly wrist deep in a bag of family sized chips...
Tough times call for strong edibles, and no grammie, I'm not eating any, jeez! Weed edible sales have skyrocketed during the pandemic due to heightened anxiety and more time to sit on the couch and binge watch tv all day. This trend of eating special brownies also comes as more studies come out about the dangers of vaping and more states approve the use of recreational marijuana. Find edible deals near you here (you're welcome).
Comfort food. Enough said.
Let me teach you a little something about economics that's called 'supply and demand.' As individuals' personal supply of edibles grow, there becomes a higher demand for comfort food. More people are turning to comfort food as they're getting the munchies, experiencing COVID-19 stress, and eating out of boredom. Here's the most popular junk food snack in your state, and we can't believe we're about to say this... but Florida finally got something right with their snack of choice being mini doughnuts.
Crushing pop cans is soda pressing
There's an aluminum can shortage and this is actually really problematic. Due to COVID-19, companies have not been able to keep up with the demand for canned beverages. As more people are staying at home, more cans of beer, soda, and seltzer are flying off the shelves. Coca-Cola has already announced that they will be focusing on producing their most popular flavors, which will make Cherry Coke Zero nearly impossible to find. Honestly, we could deal with shortages of toilet paper, tampons, and disinfectant wipes, but this is the last straw, coronavirus. We're warning you that we will lose our fucking minds if we can't find bubbly on the shelves.
Donut Robotics is the name of a real company
This doesn't have that much to do about food, besides the company name, but we wanted to use it as a reminder to WEAR A MASK!!! Donut Robotics, a Japanese company, is developing a smart mask. C-Face smart mask will use Bluetooth technology to connect the mask to your phone. It will have the ability to translate what you're saying into a different language and will also have a speaker to amplify your voice.
That's neat
Johnnie Walker announces that they will be switching to paper-based bottles in 2021 and we have no clue how that is going to work considering paper straws get soggy after one sip. The whiskey company teamed up with a company to create more sustainable packaging. TBD if the whiskey will make it from the liquor store to my house... either because the bottle will disintegrate or I'll have downed the whole thing.
Pop(corn) Culture
I just took a DNA test turns out I'm 100% always hungry
Lizzo buys lunch for 100 employees at Baptist Memorial Hospital-DeSoto and this isn't the first time the star has bought lunch for medical employees during the pandemic. We can't help but to stan someone who knows that the way to people's hearts is with food. We're just curious, what kind of food was it? Steak, lobster, caviar? All the above?
Fast Food Frenzy
When Postmates is a better boyfriend than your actual boyfriend
Postmates is randomly sending users promo codes for a free Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Combo. And just like presents my boyfriend gives me, there's a catch... customers need to spend a minimum of $15 to use the coupon. And once someone gets baked and decides to redeem the coupon and spend $15 at Popeyes, then another user will get a promo code. You know, sometimes it's the thought that counts.
Kentucky Printed Chicken
Last week, we mentioned the first 3D-printed steak was made. Now, KFC is hopping on the trend by testing 3D-printed chicken nuggets. The fast food company is working with a lab in Russia to create the chicken. Next thing we know, the drive-thru speakers are going to get hacked and Russia is going to shame us for the fat-asses that we are in America.
Flip it real good
White Castle is testing a burger-grilling robot named Flippy and all we want to know is... is he single?? The company hopes the use of AI will reduce wait times and reduce the risk of spreading food borne illnesses. And if flipping delicious square burgers didn't have your mouth wet, then the fact that Flippy can also make fries will!
Aardvark milk, dalgona, and rainbow unicorn cheesecake, OH MY!