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The Weekly Donut 6/29

Get ready to indulge in all things food news...

Support Black-owned restaurants

EatOkra is a great app you can download that will help you find Black-owned restaurants to eat at. Developed by Black entrepreneurs, the goal is to support Black businesses but also to "provide a food-themed directory that encourages fellowship through one specific avenue, black food."

Bakers Against Racism

Bake sales are canceled because of coronavirus, but Bakers Against Racism took bake sales to a whole new level by making it virtual. BAR highlights Black and POC bakers and shares recipes. Check out their cool merch... plus 100% of the sales are direct donations to Critical Resistance, The Innocence Project, and NAACP. If you forgot to get me a birthday present (you know how you are!), then feel free to get me the Anti-Racist Cake t-shirt (in Charcoal, size Large... what, I eat a lot of anti-racist cake okay?!).

Coronut Edition

Is it just me or is hand sanitizer starting to smell like tequila?

It's an actual thing! Phew, I was starting to think I had a problem... Apparently ethanol, an ingredient used in hand sanitizer, has a similar smell to tequila. And like taking too many shots of tequila in one night, this hand sanitizer can be dangerous. Since hand sani sales are thru the roof and in high demand, manufacturers are using more ethanol because it's more accessible. TBH, I think Purell should just start marketing it as 'tequila virus.' Just make sure you don't drink this like Trump would suggest...

We almost love Dr. Fauci as much as we love donuts

And lucky for us, Donuts Delite, a bakery in Rochester, NY, has combined two of our favorite things. The donut shop is selling donuts topped with Dr. Anthony Fauci's medical photo that's printed out on edible paper. And honestly, Dr. Fauci is too dang adorable that we could eat him right up! The donut shop says they have been selling hundreds of these by the hour, which is great because Dr. Fauci has saved the world once again, this time by supporting a local business during this rough time. But on the other hand, we think Dr. Fauci might be disappointed because it sounds like people are flocking to get donuts with his face on it and that doesn't sound like these customers are social distancing!!

QuaranTHEMED Cakes

Donuts Delite isn't the only bakery getting creative... Haydel's Bakery in Louisiana is making "Quarantine Cakes." Other bakeries have followed suit, as this idea has helped bakeries stay in business another week. We all know toilet paper is in demand, but how about toilet paper shaped cakes? Sounds convenient! I'm just a bit salty about this because I believe I came up with the idea first when I threw my Grandpa a quaranTHEMED COVID-73 (get it? cuz he was turning 73) birthday party with a homemade quaranTHEMED cake!

Pop(corn) Culture

Won't you take me to FLAVOR TOWN

Over 113,586 people have signed a petition on to rename Columbus, Ohio to Flavortown, Ohio and I was definitely one of those people and am packing my bags. The petition comes as more people are becoming aware of and wanting to erase controversial figures, Christopher Columbus being one of them. Plus, this is Fieri's hometown and he is arguably the most famous person to come out of Ohio. Fun fact: In my college sketch comedy group, I played High Fieri, Guy Fieri's high brother. And if I ever want to have a successful career, l hope that sketch never sees the light of day.

Mmmm I love you chicken pot pie

Chicken Run 2 is coming to Netflix, and nobody asked for this. 20 years later, we thought we were in the clear of the disaster that was Chicken Run 1, but of course the creators decided to break the news in 2020. As if this year couldn't get any worse.

Fast Food Frenzy

I went to McDonald's... donut judge

I tried to order a steak breakfast sandwich and the employee told me they're out of steak because of the pandemic #RIPTheSteakBreakfastSandwichWithTheGoodSauce

In hot coffee

Over the past few weeks, Starbucks has been struggling economically and socially. The coffee conglomerate announced that they will be closing more than 400 stores due to the coronavirus pandemic. But don't cry yet basic white girls, the company is looking to expand its pickup options by creating smaller storefronts that focus on mobile ordering. In more important news, the company has backtracked after getting called out for banning employees from wearing Black Lives Matter apparel. Now, they're trying to do damage control by pausing their social media efforts to focus on having meaningful conversations and to help stop the spread of hate. Enjoy your iced vanilla latte with a side of systemic racism!


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