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The Weekly Donut 1/29/2020

Get ready to indulge in all things food news...

Remember when you ran for school president and your platform was to put soda in the water fountains?

During the Senate impeachment trial, Senators are only allowed to consume water, milk, and candy, which sounds like Trump's diet (minus fast-food). Within this, Senators have the option of still or sparkling water and white or chocolate milk, but we have a feeling Senators will only choose white milk... Apparently, this precedent started in 1966 when the Senate officer stated, "Senate rules do not prohibit a Senator from sipping milk during his speech," and I guess the Senate just ran with it? We're not sure how these Senators can function without coffee. As for the candy, there's a special Candy Desk that Senators can frequent. Yea... our government is messed up. Confused by what's actually going on in the Senate impeachment trial? Then subscribe to The NewsWorthy Newsletter.

Pop(corn) Culture

In hot water

Planters, the company behind nuts and Cheez Balls, released a commercial that killed their mascot, Mr. Peanut, as a publicity stunt to gain traction on social media ahead of their Super Bowl commercial. With rival brands tweeting their condolences about Mr. Peanut's death, Planters' goal to unite the internet through the death of a pop-culture icon came true... But the ad left a bad taste in everyone's mouth after the unfortunate death of real pop-culture icon Kobe Bryant. Max Tani, a media reporter for The Daily Beast, tweeted it best, "It's weird when you're on Twitter reading a tragic story about an actual death and you've got to scroll past insane promoted RIP Mr Peanut tweets from Wesley Snipes." Since Kobe Bryant's death, Planters halted their campaign. TBD if they still plan to broadcast Mr. Peanut's funeral during their Super Bowl commercial slot.

I'm a sucker for food

The Jonas Brothers, performed at the Grammy's and debut their new song, Five More Minutes, but the audience was too distracted by something in Nick's tooth to enjoy it. Apparently, Nick forgot to floss after eating a salad and before going on stage, and we're just glad we're not the only ones with bad friends who don't tell us when we have something in out teeth (you know who you are). Nick was a good sport about it though and joked on Twitter, "at least you all know I eat my greens." Side note, Nick's wife, Priyanka Chopra, was on our worst dressed list . Nick looked better than she did, even with spinach as an accessory.

Fast Food Frenzy

Dunkin (still salty they dropped 'Donuts' from their name) announces they will launch vegan oat milk lattes nationwide in the spring. This news comes after Starbucks implemented vegan oat milk in 1,300 stores and Peet's Coffee came out with vegan oat milk horchata lattes. Coffee shops have started to shift away from almond milk because farmers have expressed concerns about the sustainability and harm to bees during production. I think I'll just stick with my regular order: a large iced vanilla latte with skim milk please 💁🏼‍♀️

A new study finds that children who watch cooking shows that feature healthy foods are two times more likely to eat healthier than than children who watch unhealthy cooking shows. And like, no sH!+? I've never craved a vegetable while watching The Great British Baking Show, Zumbo's Just Desserts, or Chopped Sweets.

Goldfish crackers launched two new flavors that nobody asked for: Sweet Carrot and Cheesy Tomato. With their new Goldfish veggie line, Pepperidge Farms is hoping to capitalize on the plant-based craze. They're also hoping to get kids to eat more vegetables, but warn that this snack is not a replacement. Maybe they should change their slogan to, "A snack that cries back because what you're eating is made out of carrot powder and tomato paste powder which sounds gross but the Goldfish are just trying to do their best by being healthier and your mom is just trying to do her best by making you get a few more nutrients and isn't that what we're all just trying to do, our best, but still our best isn't good enough?"

On Monday, Chipotle was fined $1.4M over accusations of routinely violating child labor laws, specifically in Massachusetts. Laws, like having workers under the age of 18 work longer than 9 hours per day or having them work more than 48 hours per week, were broken over 13,000 times. Seems like my nickname for the popular (idk why) fast-food company rings true... Shitpotle.


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